resolve: vt.1.(使)下决心,决议。2.决定;决议。3.使分解,使解体;解析,溶解(化合物)。4.使消释;解释(疑惑等),解决(问题等);分辨。5.变成,转化为。6.消退(炎症等)。7.【音乐】使不谐和音转变为谐和音。 This discovery resolved us to go. 是这一发现使我们决心去的。 I resolved to give up smoking. =I
Resolves naming conflicts see later in this article for an explanation 解决命名冲突(参见本文后面的解释)
Level the policy - level context to resolve named permission set references 解析命名权限集引用的策略级上下文。
Resolve name to ip address 将名称解析为ip地址。
The page also displays the name of the browser and the resolved name of the image 该页还显示浏览器的名称和图像的解析名称。
Tlbimp . exe resolves name collisions by prefixing the interface name and an underscore to the name of each colliding member of the class 为了解决名称冲突, tlbimp . exe将在类的每个冲突成员的名称前带上接口名加下划线形式的前缀。